
Middle Lane Drivers: The Kings and Queens of the Motorway
Middle lane drivers are a common sight on Dutch motorways and a source of frustration for many drivers.
But there is more to this behaviour than just laziness or ignorance. Let’s take a closer look at the psychology, consequences, legal aspects, and possible solutions.

Arrive … Drive & Thrive: Weekly tips for navigating Dutch roads
Never fill up on a Monday in the Netherlands!
Did you know that on Mondays, almost no petrol station in the Netherlands offers a discount?
Many stations have a specific day when they give discounts, and in most cases, that day is Saturday. That's when you get the most discounts and at the most places. (Save some money, tjing tjing!)

LesDirect: 10 Years on the road since 2014 🎊
We started giving driving lessons in 2001, and in 2014 we officially launched Driving School LesDirect.
What a journey it has been! Just like traffic, this journey has been full of fun and variety!

GOOD NEWS! | You might not always think so, but Dutch motorists are among the best drivers in the world!
In first place are the drivers in Japan. They benefit from a good road network and disciplined drivers.
Thailand comes out worst ... sorry!

The best Dutch drivers license advice for expats you will ever get
ARRIVE & DRIVE in the Netherlands
When arriving in the Netherlands you probably will be overwhelmed by Dutch traffic. The Dutch know how to manage traffic well throughout their country. We love structure.

Important non-EU expats tip
Today we want to share a really good piece of advice with all new- non-EU country-EXPATS and immigrants in The Netherlands.
How can you convert your foreign driving license into an official Dutch driving license smarter?

Start with new instruction cars after Corona
When the various Corona measures were released by the government, LesDirect reopened from mid-May 2020, as did the entire driving school sector. Everyone is welcome again, of course we also use a Corona protocol for the safety of yourself and your environment. But there's more to tell!

Driving lessons in NL suspended due to Corona measures until April 28th
Since yesterday evening March 24th 2020 at 9.15 am the Dutch National Government (Rijksoverheid) announced a written regulation in which is stated that the announced “contact professions” and thus driving schools/ instructors are not allowed anymore to do their jobs anymore. The ban is at least until the 28th of April.

The maximum speed on Dutch motorways limited to 100 km / h?
Is that bad?
The maximum speed goes down on all motorways in the Netherlands during the day. Between 6:00 am and 7:00 pm you are not allowed to go any faster than 100 km per hour. In the evenings you can only go faster on the roads where a maximum speed of 120 or 130 km per hour now applies.

Five ways how to operate your air conditioning in your car better in typical hot and chilly Dutch weather?
The air conditioning is a nice invention to keep all passengers cool, but many air conditioning users use the system in the wrong way. It often goes wrong with the methods below and what should you do instead?:

Hard BREXIT: British drivers licence no longer valid!
If it comes to a brexit without agreement, the Britons living in the Netherlands will have to take a Dutch driving test for an official NL driving license.
If you live in the Netherlands for a long time (UK expat or immigrant) these conditions apply:

How expensive is the NL drivers licence compared to other countries?
Did you know that you can get the cheapest driver's license in India, and the most expensive in Norway. The Dutch driving license is not among the cheapest driving licenses, but is accepted in most countries worldwide by our thorough driving courses.

Trial theory exam in the evening starts now
From 1 May 2018, candidates can take the theory exam for the car, also in the evenings. Then the CBR starts a six-month trial in which candidates can also take an exam between 4 and 9 p.m. The CBR wants to further improve the service to the customer.

Research theory exam CBR again positive
You only pass the theory exam if you have sufficient knowledge of the traffic rules. This is again demonstrated by follow-up research by independent research institute RCEC into possible unforeseen predictions in the theory test for the car.

From 1 July car theory exam English also with extra time
From 1 July, candidates can also take the theory test for the car in English with extra time. Just like with the other theory exams with extra time, candidates get 15 minutes more time with the section 'knowledge of traffic rules and traffic insight'.